How to find the Process Id of Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka and Zookeeper are important components of the Apache Kafka ecosystem that play a crucial role in the processing and management of large-scale distributed data.

To monitor and manage these processes effectively, it is important to know their Process ID (PID), which is a unique identifier assigned to each running process on a system. In this article, we will discuss how to find the PID of Apache Kafka and Zookeeper processes.

Using jps to find Kafka and Zookeeper Pid

The first step is to ensure that both Apache Kafka and Zookeeper are running on your system. Once you have confirmed that the processes are running, you can use the jps command to find their PIDs:

$ jps
33844 Jps
30568 Kafka
30012 QuorumPeerMain

As you can see, when you execute the jps command, it lists all the JVM processes running on the machine along with their process IDs (PIDs). The output of the jps command includes the name of the main class or the jar file, which helps you to identify the process and its purpose.

In our case we will focus on the following Processes:

  • Kafka: This is the Kafka Broker
  • QuorumPeerMain: This is Zookeeper Process

You can capture the ProcessId of those Processes in a variable. For example, to store the Kafka Process Id in the variable kafka_pid you can run the following:

kafka_pid=$(jps | grep Kafka | awk '{print $1}')

Using ps to find Kafka and Zookeeper Pid

Usually, the jps command is available as long as you jave a Java Runtime Environment in your machine. On the other hand, to find the PID of the Apache Kafka process with just the ps command, you can track the start up class, which is “kafka.Kafka”. Therefore, we can run the following command:

pid=$(ps aux | grep "kafka.Kafka" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')

Then, if you check the value of $pid, you can see the ProcessId of Apache Kafka:

echo $pid

To find the PID of the Zookeeper process, you can check the ProcessId for the Java Class org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain. Therefore, you can run the following command:

pid=$(ps aux | grep "org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain" | grep -v grep | awk '{print $2}')


Once you have obtained the PIDs of both Apache Kafka and Zookeeper processes, you can use them to monitor and manage these processes effectively. For instance, you can use the PIDs to kill or restart the processes if they are misbehaving or to check the system resources used by each process.

In conclusion, finding the PIDs of Apache Kafka and Zookeeper processes is an important aspect of managing these components effectively. By using the commands outlined in this article, you can quickly obtain the PIDs of these processes and use them to ensure that your Apache Kafka ecosystem is running smoothly.

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