Getting started with Camel 4

This article introduces you to the latest major version of Apache Camel framework highlighting some noteworthy new features and updates available in Camel 4.

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How to handle Exceptions in Camel

Apache Camel is a powerful integration framework that allows you to build robust and reliable applications by connecting different systems and components. Exception handling is a crucial aspect of building fault-tolerant Camel routes. In this tutorial, we will explore two approaches for handling exceptions in Apache Camel: using onException to handle multiple exceptions and utilizing .doTry(), .doCatch(), .doFinally() blocks.

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How to aggregate Messages in Camel

In Apache Camel, message aggregation involves combining multiple messages into a single message based on certain criteria. This tutorial will guide you through the process of aggregating messages using a custom aggregation strategy. Prerequisites Before starting, ensure you have the following: Step 1: Create a Custom Aggregation Strategy Our custom Aggregation Strategy overrides the aggregate … Read more

Transforming CSV to Java Objects using Camel

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use Apache Camel in combination with Bindy to produce and consume CSV files. Camel is an open-source integration framework that provides a powerful routing and mediation engine. Bindy is a Camel component that allows for the transformation of Java objects to/from various data formats, including CSV. Prerequisites … Read more

Apache Camel REST step-by-step example

In this article we will discuss how to produce and consume REST services using Apache Camel. Firstly we will show an example of REST Producer, then we will lean how to expose REST Endpoints in Camel.

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How to use Camel JPA with Spring Boot

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to use the Camel JPA component to read and write data from a PostgreSQL database. Specifically, we’ll cover how to create a Camel route that reads data from a JSON file, maps it to a JPA entity, and then inserts it into a PostgreSQL database using the Camel JPA component. We’ll wrap it all into a Spring Boot application.

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Using the Routing Slip EIP with Camel

The Routing Slip EIP (Enterprise Integration Pattern) is a powerful tool that enables us to route a message through a series of processors based on a predetermined set of rules. The routing slip is essentially a list of destinations that a message must pass through before reaching its final destination. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the Routing Slip EIP in Apache Camel.

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Camel Processor made simple

The Camel Processor is a key building block of Camel, and gives you full access to the message being transferred including the message body, any headers, and any properties associated with the message. By creating a Processor you can modify any of those elements, for example you can alter the body of the message transforming it from XML to CSV or you can add custom properties or headers to it. Let’s see how to build a custom Processor which transforms the body of a Message.

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How to transform data from XML to JSON with Camel

This article discusses how to transform data in a Camel route from XML to JSON using Jackson data format XML library. To test our Camel Route, we will include it in a Spring Boot application which receives as input an XML in its REST Controller.

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