Selector are Properties which are set in the Header of the JMS Message so that you can filter only the messages which are compliant with the filter. You can set the selector using the selector attribute which is an SQL 92 predicate that is used to filter messages within the broker. You may have to encode special characters like ‘='
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Using Camel direct Component
In Camel the direct: component provides direct, synchronous invocation of any consumers when a producer sends a message exchange. it provides a simple mechanism for linking together routes just like in programming code you would call functions.
Invoking a jBPM 6 Process from Camel Spring
The Camel jbpm component provides integration with Business Process Management (BPM) Suit jBPM 6. Behind the hoods It uses kie-remote-client API to interact with jBPM instance over REST. Let’s see an example of it:
Validate Camel routes with fabric8 maven plugin
One of the coolest things you can do with Fabric8 Maven plugin is the validation of Camel routes which can be done in your favorite IDE or with as little as a shell
Basic Camel Architecture tutorial
This tutorial provides an overview of Camel architecture components.
Using the Timer Component with Camel
The Timer component is used to generate message exchanges when a timer fires. The Timer is a simple, non persistence timer using the JDK’s in built timer mechanism.
Using Camel in Nashorn shell
In this tutorial we are going to play with nashorn and camel to create a very interesting mix.
Setting up a Camel project with Maven
In this Camel tutorial we will learn how to set up a basic Camel project using its Maven archetypes which can generate both Java DSL and Spring XML based projects.
Debugging Camel Routes with JBoss Developer Studio
JBoss Developer Studio has been vastly improved to let you develop and test your Camel routes. Debugging Camel routes has never been easier!
Using the Bean component in Camel
The Bean component can be used as part of a camel route to filter/intercept the payload of data contained in the route. Let’s see a very simple example.