In this tutorial we will learn how to create an application based on the Spring MVC pattern, and the Template engine Thymeleaf to render the page View.
Developing Web applications
Spring Boot H2 Database example application
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a basic Spring Boot application that uses H2 Database. We will provide at first an overview of how to use H2 DB with Spring Boot, then we will use the Spring Boot CLI to bootstrap an example CRUD application.
GraphQL tutorial for Spring Boot users
This article is a walk though a GraphQL application using Spring Boot. We will cover the basics of GraphQL and then we will show how to code and test an example application.
How to use SameSite Cookies in Spring Boot applications
This article will provide a walk through the configuration of the SameSite attribute for Cookies in Spring Boot application. Please note that this tutorial applies to Spring Boot 2.6 and newer applications.
Using Vaadin with Spring Boot to create User Interfaces
Vaadin is a framework that is designed to make creation and maintenance of high quality web-based applications. Let’s see how to get started with it to create a sample Web application which will run with Spring Boot.
Configuring a custom HttpMessageConverter in SpringBoot
The HttpMessageConverter
provides a convenient way to add and merge additional converters in a web application. In this tutorial we will learn how to specify an additional HttpMessageConverter
and add it to the default ones.
Spring Boot MVC Autoconfiguration
Spring Boot provides out of the box a large set of auto-configuration settings that work well with most applications. The auto-configuration includes the following:
Building a front-end with Vue.js and Axios for Spring Boot REST Applications
In this tutorial we will learn how to create a basic front-end with Vue.js and Axios to access a Spring Boot REST Service.
Developing Web applications with Vue.js and Spring Boot
Vue.js is one of the most widely used JavaScript frames for creating web interfaces and single page applications. This guide covers a basic example of a Spring Boot application which uses Vue.js as front-end
Configuring Servlets, Filters and Listeners in Spring Boot
In Spring Boot you can register Servlets, Filters, Listeners by using the ServletRegistrationBean, FilterRegistrationBean, and ServletListenerRegistrationBean bean definitions.