Home of Spring Boot tutorials

Learn Spring Boot and Integration Technologies (Camel, Apache Kafka) with our simple to read Tutorials and Articles.

Spring Boot is a framework that leverages Spring to quickly create stand-alone applications and microservices in Java-based languages. Within our site, you will find plenty of useful resources to build Spring Boot applications and integrate them with Enterprise Integration frameworks such as Apache Camel / Kafka.

Spring Boot latest version ( October 2024) is:


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Getting Started with NetFlix Feign Client

Feign is a declarative web service client that simplifies the process of making HTTP requests...

Spring Cloud Gateway made simple

Spring Cloud Gateway is a tool provided by Spring Cloud that helps in routing incoming...

JSON Structured Logging in Spring Boot 3.4

Logging is an essential aspect of software development, providing valuable insights during application troubleshooting. With...

Getting started with Spring Cloud: Service Discovery

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up service discovery using Spring Cloud and...

How to trace HTTP Requests in Spring Boot using a Filter

This tutorial shows how to trace HTTP requests using different options such as the CommonsRequestLoggingFilter...

How to configure Logback with Spring Boot

Logback is a powerful and flexible logging framework for Java applications. It is designed to...

Configuring Undertow in Spring Boot Applications

Undertow is a lightweight, high-performance web server that you can use as Web Server in...

How to change the Server port in Spring Boot

In a Spring Boot application, the default web server port is set to 8080. However...

Configuring Spring Boot Tomcat WebServer

This tutorial guides you through customizing Spring Boot’s embedded Tomcat web server for optimal performance...

Configuring Tomcat JDBC Pool on Spring Boot

Spring-Boot supports HikariCP (default), tomcat-jdbc and Commons DBCP as Connection Pool for your Database. Each...

Spring Boot 3 MVC: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

In this tutorial we will learn how to create an application based on the Spring...

Spring Boot Actuator Custom Endpoints explained

This article will teach you how to create Custom Spring Boot Actuator endpoints and why...

How to shutdown Spring Boot applications gracefully

This article will teach you how to gracefully shut-down a Spring Boot application using the...

Configuring Log4j2 in Spring Boot applications

Log4j2 is the latest release of the popular Logging Framework. In this tutorial we will...

Spring Boot CRUD with PostgreSQL

This article will guide you through a basic example of a Spring Boot 3 application...

Swagger UI tutorial for Spring Boot users

This article will show you how to document and interact with your Spring Boot REST...

Upgrading to Spring Boot 3 with OpenRewrite

Migrating to Spring Boot 3 can be a challenge for developers, given the framework’s substantial...

How to send JMS Messages with Spring Boot – Part 1

JMS is a Java Enterprise technology that has been implemented to decouple the logic from...